[Unit Project 2] How To Enjoy Frisbee.

 Do you know the story of the beginning of Frisbee? Throwing pie plates was once popular among students at Yale University in Connecticut. When a toy company learned of this, they made a toy based on it and named the toy "Frisbee'' after the Pie Company's name, "Frisbee Pie Company''.

So me and my friends call playing Frisbee "baking a pie" after this episode. When we want to play Frisbee after school, ask, "Shall we bake after this?'' or "Bake?". Frisbees can be fun to have a conversation with, and watching a flying disc is calming. So, today, I would like to share with everyone how to enjoy Frisbee.

Things to bring

・Flying disck

・something to drink

・Shouse (well worn)

1. Check the weather forecast and wait for a sunny day. Cloudy weather is not bad, but a windless day is preferable.

2. Invite frisbee friend. 2~4 is apporopreate number of people for play fresbee.

3. Go to the biggest grass field in your city. I recommend grass because it's easy to run on and it won't hurt if you fail to catch the Frisbee and drop it on the ground.

4. Before playing frisbee, stretch your body to prevent injury. Especially, Stretch your ankles and wrists carefully, as they are particularly prone to injury.

5. first, make short passes while keeping in mind the following three things.

6. Turn sideways to the direction of the throw.

7. Throw straight and horizontally. If you tilt it left or right, it will fly on a curved trajectory. If you tilt it downward, the Frisbee will fall immediately, and if you tilt it upward, the Frisbee will return back and not reach your opponent.

8. Be aware of spin. If the frisbee doesn't spin, it won't fly.

9. Once you get used to it, increase the distance between them.

10. If you feel tired, take a break on a park bench or have tea at a cafe.

Oops, while we're doing this, the sun is setting. When we play Frisbee, we forget the time and have fun. There are many different ways to throw a Frisbee, so it's fun to learn each way one by one. 


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