#12 Shichirin

On New Year's Day, my friends and I grilled seafood, potatoes, and mochi on a Shichirin. Shichirin is a Japanese charcoal stove. It was really delicious and fun.

There was a stray cat that smelled the scent and came over, but it had already eaten everything. When I gave him some leftover chikuwa in the fridge, he ate it and seemed to enjoy it. We called him "Chikuta" because he looked like a chikuwa. Chikuta came again the next day to get food.


  1. Hi, I'm Mii. I have never eaten food with Shichirin, so I am curious about taste of the food. The cat is cute and has a good name!

  2. I have never used Shichirin, so it is very interesting! I would love to cook with it someday! And, the cat is so cute!!

  3. Hi, I am Kaho. The cat is cuuuute...

  4. The grilling is so fun! I want to eat shells on the shichirin.


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